They contain considerable amounts of anti-oxidants and bioflavonoids, and have preventive properties against arteriosclerosis (the thickening and hardening of arteries). But the health benefits are just a welcome bonus as the main reason we love capers and add them to all sorts of dishes is the bud’s delicious aromatic and pungent flavor!
On Greek islands and all along the Mediterranean caper bushes grow wild and hang majestically on rocky cliffs over the sea. Their popularity, that peaked in recent years, dates back to ancient times. Dioscorides describes the medicinal properties of capers which are explored on a very interesting paper compiled by a group of Iranian scientists, published at the International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. “Capers are said to reduce flatulence and to be anti-rheumatic in effect. In ayurvedic medicine capers are recorded as hepatic stimulants and protectors, improving liver function,” they write. In the paper entitled “Caper the Mystique of the recent century” we read about the bud’s preventive properties against arteriosclerosis, as diuretic, and kidney disinfectant, and more interestingly the Iranian scientists claim that capers contain considerable amounts of anti-oxidants and bioflavonoids. (more…)