Pumpkin, Tangerine and Marmalade Bread

A naturally sweet festive treat. I came up with the recipe as every winter I have dozens of jars of marmalade from our very productive Seville Orange tree.
Anyway you shape or stuff  this bread (see Note) it is delicious and accompanies cheeses –the sharper the better. It is also the ideal bread to serve with charcuterie and  foie gras. You can slice any leftover and bake in a low oven to dry and enjoy as snack or use as bruschetta with various sweet or savory toppings.



Yields 2 small, or one large round loaf


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Vassilopita –New Year’s Orange and Brandy Cake

This is my mother’s recipe for Vassilopita, the New Year’s rich and buttery cake that hid the lucky coin. Decorate with almonds, if you like, or simply sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar.

Serve on its own for breakfast or as a snack with coffee, tea or orange juice. Great with a glass of fruity, sparkling wine!



Makes one 10-inch round cake    (more…)


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Pumpkin or Squash Preserves (kolokytha rossoli)

Cooks in Greece get a little slaked lime from the yards that sell construction materials(!) to make this, as well as some other preserves that require the fruit to remain firm and crunchy as it cooks in the syrup.

I have adapted the recipe with pickling lime that is available online and in most cook’s stores in the US and Europe.

See also the very easy Baked Sweet Squash.



Makes about 2 pint jars (more…)


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