I am not the first one to observe that TV food has long ago stopped being about taste, cooking, talent or tradition, becoming one more excuse for a sensational voyeuristic show, not unlike the uncovering of yet one more Egyptian mummy…
In that context I started receiving phone calls and e-mails from various US and AustralianTV producers who wanted to pick my brain about THE most extreme and ‘dangerous’ foods of Greece, and more precisely the poisonous fish that they have heard about. Some mentioned ‘the scorpion fish’ which they have read, or heard or told about. Because there was not one, but at least three similar inquiries last year alone, I understood that after the Asian rats and the south American insects, of which the American public has probably had enough, our turn had come.
I haven’t been able to verify if the producers who contacted me decided to visit our country on their own, or had been invited or lured by the Greek Tourist Organization offices abroad, in a quest to boost the influx of visitors in order to help our gravely ill economy. I seriously doubt that a rat-eating TV host will bring tourists to the part of the world where rats are consumed, but I am not an expert in PR matters, and maybe it is better to watch or hear about a fearful Greek ‘scorpion fish” than about the unbelievable size of the Greek public debt… (more…)