Home Marinated Sardines: Simply Irresistible!

anchovies-marinated-loxo-SaSardeles Marinates is part of my daily summer lunch, accompanying any vegetables, beans, rice or pasta I cook. Sometimes it is even the centerpiece. I enjoy the sardines with slices of my bread – toasted if it is more than a day old – and of course with a large tomato, onion, and caper salad.

Sardines & bread1 SI never get tired of them, and one of the beauties of home-marinated sardines is that they keep for a week or more in the refrigerator, so I don’t have to make them often. (more…)


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Marinated Sardines, Anchovies or Mackerel Fillets

Sardines & bread1 SUse my recipe for marinating the oily fish as a base, adding your favorite herbs or substituting scallions for the garlic. Let the fish ‘cook’ in the marinade for a few hours or overnight, or even better make it a full day in advance.

Sardines SServe on slices of crusty or toasted bread, as part of a meze spread, or take my lead and serve as main course, complementing greens, vegetables, beans or grain dishes – Sardeles Marinates is extremely versatile and easy to pair.



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Grilled Sweet Peppers with Two Dressings

Peppers-GRILLED-SaIn the summer, when we have our vine-ripened ‘Florina’ peppers I simply like to grill them and serve with bread and cheese, or as accompaniment to meat, poultry, or fish. Here is the simplest way to grill and peel long or round peppers.


8-12 long or round sweet peppers, any color

Wash and dry the peppers. Halve them, if they are long or cut them lengthwise into thirds, seed them and discard the stems.


Each pepper should yield 2 or 3 quite flat pieces. (more…)


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Tyrokafteri (feta and pepper spread)

Tyrokafteri Cucumber S croppedAs is the case with taramosalata, eggplant spread and other popular Greek meze, tyrokafteri recipes are abundant; some have garlic and other spices, unnecessary in my humble opinion…

I love the simple combination of flavors created by olive-oil-sautéed peppers which I also use in my Eggplant, Pepper and Parsley Spread. Sautéed peppers and their oil flavor the salty-sour feta in this simple Tyrokafteri that can be made with either red or green sweet peppers. (more…)


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Bringing Cyclades Summer to the Oxford Symposium

The July 5 lunch that concludes the 2015 Symposium meals is a mostly Vegetarian Greek / Mediterranean Feast conceived to communicate the richness of the region’s meat-less tradition.

Savor simple dishes bursting with flavor created with the best traditional ingredients combined with seasonal produce. Taste exquisite olives, cheeses, savory biscuits, along with surprising, hearty vegetable and bean salads that are flavored with my own spicy-fragrant condiments. A selection of seven award-winning Greek wines will accompany the meal which will conclude with three ‘spoon sweets’ –the best artisanal fruit preserves– along with special Cypriot wedding cookies and an aromatic herbal tea brewed with wild plants gathered from the Greek mountains. (more…)


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